PCIA Sport Climbing Course / Horseshoe Canyon Ranch, Arkansas
Thu, Jun 06
The Sport Climbing instructor (SCI) course is designed to bridge the gap between indoor climbing instruction and outdoor climbing instruction. The purpose of this course is to allow students to be evaluated in outdoor, sport climbing instruction.
Time & Location
Jun 06, 2024, 9:00 AM – Jun 07, 2024, 5:00 PM
Jasper, HC 70, 261, Jasper, AR 72641, USA
About the event
The Sport Climbing instructor (SCI) course is designed to bridge the gap between indoor climbing instruction and outdoor climbing instruction. The purpose of this course is to allow students to be evaluated in outdoor, sport climbing instruction. It is designed to provide supplemental knowledge and specialized skills that will allow the SCI to effectively operate at outdoor climbing sites. The scope of this course is limited to sites where there is access to bolted top anchors via non-technical means or sport leading.
PCIA Sport Climbing Course
The Sport Climbing instructor (SCI) course is designed to bridge the gap between indoor climbing instruction and outdoor climbing instruction. The purpose of this course is to allow students to be evaluated in outdoor, sport climbing instruction. It is designed to provide supplemental knowledge and specialized skills that will allow the SCI to effectively operate at outdoor climbing sites.
$350.00+$8.75 service feeSale ended